Advisory Committee on University Resources Management (ACURM)

Procedures and Operations By-Laws

Advisory Committee on University Resources Management (ACURM) Procedures and Operations By-Laws

I. Introduction 

As established in its charge, ACURM has developed this set of by-laws regulating details of its procedures and operations, which may be re-visited as circumstances warrant. These by-laws shall be available to the University community on the ACURM website. 

II. Procedures and Operations 

1. A quorum is achieved with 2/3 of the committee members in attendance, with each stakeholder group (e.g., Faculty, Students, Staff and Alumni) being represented by at least one member. 

2. Meetings may be conducted, at the discretion of the Chair, (1) in-person, (2) via Zoom or other virtual meeting platforms, and/or in a (3) hybrid meeting format. The initial meeting of ACURM at the beginning of each academic year may be conducted in an in-person format, with opportunity for members who are remote from campus to virtually participate. 

3. Determinations of the Committee shall be made by majority vote of the voting members in attendance at a meeting with a duly qualified quorum. 

4. Meetings involving the presentation of a request(s) shall be open to members of the Brown University community, with presentations happening at the beginning of the meeting, followed by comments and questions from committee members, and, at the discretion of the Chair, with time at the end for questions and comments from non-committee members in attendance. The Chair may choose to impose reasonable time limits on speakers during the Questions and Comments portion of open meetings. 

5. Conflict of Interest – Disclosure, Management and Recusal 

a) When cases are brought to ACURM, committee members shall clarify their relationship, if any, to the issues involved and disclose any and all potential, actual or perceived conflicts of interest. In assessing and managing conflicts of interest the Committee will rely on the University’s Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy, including but not limited to the definition of conflicts of interest contained in that policy: 

“A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a University interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary or personal interest. Members of the Brown Community are obligated to avoid or disclose actual ethical, legal, financial, or other conflicts of interest involving the University, and recuse themselves when decision-making related to University Responsibilities could be influenced by a conflict of interest.” 

b) Committee members have the right to recuse themselves from issues when there is a conflict of interest. 

c) Following disclosure of potential conflicts of interest and in instances where a Committee member does not voluntarily recuse themselves the conflict will be reviewed and discussed by the members of ACURM in a closed session. A determination can be made, by majority vote, that a member with a conflict should be recused from consideration of the matter under consideration by the Committee. 

6. Meetings that involve operational or procedural business may be closed. 

7. Voting will be conducted in a closed meeting or a closed session of an otherwise open meeting. Voting may otherwise be conducted asynchronously. 

8. When community members address the meeting attendees, they will clarify their relationship to Brown and their relationship to the issue under discussion. 

III. Approval and Recommendations for Changes 

These by-laws were approved by the members of ACURM on Thursday, June 13, 2024. ACURM will review and re-visit these by-laws as circumstances warrant or at the suggestion of a member of ACURM to propose or consider a change or addition to these by-laws. Any amendment to the by-laws can be approved by majority vote of the members of ACURM following notice of the proposed change(s) to all members at least thirty (30) days in advance of a meeting where the proposed change(s) is discussed and considered.